
10 Struggles of Fiction Writers

  1. Writer’s block. This is a common problem that can affect any writer, regardless of their experience level. It can be caused by a number of factors, such as stress, anxiety, or simply not knowing what to write about.
  2. Self-doubt. Many writers struggle with self-doubt, which can make it difficult to believe in their own abilities. This can be a major obstacle to success, as it can prevent writers from taking risks and trying new things.
  3. Rejection. Rejection is a common part of the writing process, and it can be difficult to deal with. It is important to remember that rejection does not mean that your work is not good, it simply means that it is not right for the particular publication or editor.
  4. Perfectionism. Many writers struggle with perfectionism, which can make it difficult to finish projects. It is important to remember that no piece of writing is perfect, and that it is okay to make mistakes.
  5. Motivation. It can be difficult to stay motivated to write, especially when there are other demands on your time. It is important to find ways to motivate yourself, such as setting goals, creating a writing schedule, or joining a writing group.
  6. Time management. It can be difficult to find the time to write, especially if you have a busy schedule. It is important to make writing a priority and to find ways to fit it into your day, even if it is just for a few minutes.
  7. Plot. Many writers struggle with plotting their stories. It can be helpful to create an outline or a beat sheet, which can help you to map out the main events of your story.
  8. Characters. Creating believable and relatable characters can be a challenge. It is important to develop your characters in a way that makes them come alive for your readers.
  9. Dialogue. Writing natural and believable dialogue can be difficult. It is important to listen to how people talk and to pay attention to the way that they use language.
  10. Setting. The setting of your story can be an important part of the story itself. It is important to describe your setting in a way that helps your readers to visualize it.

Writing can be lonely and leave you questioning the value of your story and your abilities as a writer. If any of these things trip you up and you find it hard to finish your story, you might need a writing coach or a developmental editor. If that’s the case, reach out! You can contact me directly or go through my business site at http://www.authorcultivation.com.

Books · Writing

A Reintroduction

Time has passed.

Much has happened.

This is who I am and what I’m up to these days! THE LOVE I MEANT will be released on March 21, 2023 in ebook and paperback formats. Ebook preorders are available now!

Author Cultivation launched last year and has been an amazing journey so far. I have the best clients and am loving helping these manuscripts become books.


Bewitching the Prince

You’re just a small-town witch who’s crushing on an online friend you’ve never met… until you’re teleported to a magical kingdom! Now you’re being forced to compete for a magical Prince’s hand in marriage, and it’s all being broadcast live on TV. Will you fall for the hot, kind prince? Will you hold out to find your internet love? Or will you discover the depths of your power and change magic forever?

Last year, the app TALES approached me to write a young adult fantasy novella for them, based on their outline. It was a totally fun project, somewhat akin to what I’d done for Storybird in that it was going to be serialized. I very much enjoyed this fast project (just ten weeks to get it down) and it was super therapeutic, considering I was in recovery from a car accident that had me in physical therapy for a concussion and some physical problems. It’s quite unlike my other work, so I wrote under the pen name Alexandra Tucker.

The first few chapters of Bewitching the Prince are up now.

Storybird · Writing

Summer Writing Club Prompt #5 Round-Up

Oh, wow! I’m floored by the responses from my Story Sparks during Storybird’s Summer Writing Club! I can’t wait to read all the stories that came from them!

Knowing that something I offered got kids writing is one of the best feelings possible. I’m THRILLED. Thank you, Storybird, for the opportunity!

Check the featured stories out here and here is a link to all the #swc submissions! FANTASTIC!



Summer Fun!

THE MYSTERY OF DOGWOOD CROSS is fully available to read for FREE on Storybird! Click here to get started!

modc-coverI’m also on a short hiatus with my second book for Storybird, CLIFFHANGERS AND OTHER THOUGHTS ABOUT WRITING. I began work on this fiction tutorial because of all the great questions I’d gotten from DOGWOOD CROSS readers. Click here for CLIFFHANGERS!

Why is it on hiatus? Because Storybird is ROCKING It with their Summer Writing Club. Story starters, tutorials and blogs, this is the place to be for your summer writing (and reading) fix! Go on and check it out!welcome-summer-writing-club


Do What You Love

People keep asking me, “How are you? You seem really busy!”

And I am really busy, but it’s a busy-with-good-things kind of busy. I really do love my job, and homeschooling is by far the most fulfilling, exciting thing I’ve ever done. I’m done with my travels for the year (I think!), having just gotten back from a week in New York. And I’m still having a blast over at Storybird. Aside from the cycle of illnesses that seem to hit every fall, things have been going really well!

As my current work project winds down, we’re shifting gears to be more school-centric. THE MYSTERY OF DOGWOOD CROSS is approaching its final chapters, too, so I’m looking to what’s ahead in my writing life.

Right now, though, I probably won’t be updating this blog for a while. Instead, I’m focusing my posts over on my Storybird Author’s Journal. If you want to know what’s on my mind, you can find me there.

Dogwood Cross · Homeschool · Travel · Writing

When Life Steals Your Words

This week has been full of good things, but also some inconveniences. We’ve had a lot of fun with our homeschool co-op (hiking, visiting Fellows Riverside Gardens, learning about recycling with the Green Team…), but I also battled a bad round of allergy yuck over the weekend and it followed me into the week. I do think our hike at the Lily Pond on Tuesday helped my body recover.

This weekend, I’m traveling to St. Louis for a cousin’s wedding. I’ve had so much to do to get ready for the trip, that I barely squeezed in writing a chapter of THE MYSTERY OF DOGWOOD CROSS.  It took the better part of a day to squeeze out 1800 words. Usually it takes about two hours to do it.

I got it done, though. I sent it to my friends who edit (one does macro/storyline edits, one does grammar checks, both hound me on fluidity and catch typos and I love them dearly for being brutal with my writing).  I got my edits back.  They both said the chapter was good, it was fine, but…it wasn’t my best.

Which I knew.

And I don’t want to publish something for the sake of publishing.

There will be no new chapter this weekend, even though I’d planned it. I’d WRITTEN it. But I don’t want to do my readers a disservice. And even talking about the failings of what I HAD written, I was able to come up with better ideas, ones that thrill me.

Hopefully, the joy will be passed on with whatever I come up with instead.
